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تشرين الثاني'17
Tips for caring for your skin during the winter months


     With changing weather conditions, our skin is exposed to strong winds in winter.In addition, the effect of air conditioners and radiators, with the long hours spent on the 
computer, our skin is greatly affected.If you have dry skin, it is important for you to take care of your skin during the winter months.Our skin surrounds the entire surface of 
our body and protects us from external factors.The skin is a living texture that replaces itself by throwing dead cells on its surface through its outer layer and renews itself.
It balances the amount of heat and water in our bodies.Protecting our skin with such an important structure and taking care of it regularly helps us to look healthier and 
more vigorous.Skin care recommendations which you can apply in winter.


  • With cold weather, skin cracks occur and irritates the skin, causes allergies and eczema.We should not forget to drink a lot of water again during the winter months
  • Remember to apply several layers of moisturizer on your dry skin, whether you are at home or outdoors. The body lotions or body oils should match your skin
    type which you used.
  • Those who attach importance to a healthy diet in winter skin care, vitamins, antioxidants, minerals that the skin needs; and absorb unsaturated fats in the body; 
    and in this way, winter skin care becomes more effective.
  • In addition, fruits and vegetables from the winter season, cereal-based foods are also part of the healthy eating rules to make skin care more effective in the winter.
  • If your skin is oily, it is more resistant to cold, but only one problem is the difficulty in achieving water balance.For this reason, the skin needs a moisturizer 
    contrary to this type of skin.But it is necessary to apply the moisturizer before going out, the best is to apply before bedtime.
  • Do not shower with too hot water; hot water helps dry your skin by further reducing moisture in your skin. In addition, the vapor that forms creates more pores 
    in your skin, accelerating the formation of blackheads.
  • It's important to remember that in winter you should use a protective lotion to protect your skin after showering and bathing.
  • If you have problems such as sagging and spots on your skin, the ideal season to find a solution is winter. The application of laser and similar applications on 
    the skin in winter gives even better results.
  • It is important to moisten your lips with the night cream. Always have a lipstick with you. Apply the oil to your lips when your lips dry.
  • It is not because the clouds hide the sun in winter that we are protected, it does not mean that the harmful effects of the sun's rays do not occur in the middle 
    of winter. So, just like summer, it is essential to continue using suncream during the winter months.

We need to give more importance to skin care during the winter season..For this reason, you need to take into account all these suggestions you have read and practice.
So you always have a healthier look.

كلمات البحث: Skincare , winter season ,blog, sefamerve