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تشرين الثاني'17
Ways to be Happy

The notion of being happy in the hours when we are trapped in stress and rush of life does not come to our minds often. In fact, we need to pursue happiness so that every 
move we make will make more sense to us.Life is much more meaningful when we are happy. Scientific research conducted all over the world trying to find the formula of 
happiness. In recent years, scientists, who are often interested in happiness, have made suggestions that will improve life. Some tips to be happy ...
Be Helpful
Spending money for other people, not for yourself, will make you feel better.According to research showing that the happiest people are the biggest donors; by donating 
and helping others.
Be Thankful
One of the ways to be happy is to be thankful in God. Look closely at what you have experienced, what you have, what you love, what you do not like, and be grateful. Being 
grateful gives us awareness, and even when you feel very lonely, a great strength to remind you that there is Allah. Praying and thanking will help you heal your soul and 
make you feel happier and happier.
Set Goals to Yourself
It is argued that those who set goals for a short or a long term, they are happier than those who do not. Richard Davidson from University of Wisconsin, said, "Working 
toward a goal will bring positive feelings."
Be Faithful
Faithful people are much more satisfied and happier in their lives than non-believers. Believers are emotionally more determined because they do not fear the future.
Learn to be merciful
Learning to be merciful, kindliness and understandable to yourself brings you mood and joy. As long as you behave good, the attitudes around you, will change. You feel 
happier when you approach not only yourself but others around you with compassion.
Accept the difficulties of life
Your life will not always be happy. you must know that life moves in the ups and downs. You must be aware of every emotion, you must realize that it is real. One day, you 
can be very sad, another day you can fly to the sky of happiness. All you need to know is that the two situations will not last forever.
Spend more time in nature
Spending time in nature increases your peace of mind and gives you the moment to live, which are two basic features of a happy life.
Do not forget to smile
Smiling  and acting like happy, makes you feel better when you are really sad. According to many researches; Even the simple movement of the smile makes people happier.
Remember that we are in a test, all the good and bad situations we have are just to test us. Our patience and our gratitude will determine our place in the other world. It's 
like a dream, when we wake up from a nightmare, we thank God that, it's a dream. So, as life here, one day, we will wake up from the dream of this world and we will have 
our eternal life. The only difference is that we are going to give the account of the goodness and the harm that we are doing here. That's why, be patient and grateful to your 
God. Do not forget to smile at all the negativities.

كلمات البحث: Ways to be Happy, sefamerve